5 Ways Sales Enablement in HubSpot Extends NetSuite’s Reach

When integrated with NetSuite, HubSpot paves the way for strong sales and marketing connections that help companies close more deals and win more customers.  

 When sales teams have the right mix of content, tools, information and knowledge that they need to effectively sell products and services to customers, everyone wins. If any piece of that multifaceted puzzle is out of place—or, missing completely—sales teams may wind up falling short of their goals. This directly impacts revenues and overall organizational success at a time when competitors are investing in robust, integrated sales enablement platforms.  

The process of giving a sales team the resources they need to close more deals, sales enablement typically falls under the guise of both marketing and sales. Marketing provides reps with the videos, blogs, product guides and other materials that support interactions with potential and existing customers. And, sales gives marketing teams feedback about which types of content and materials they need. 

From Manual Processes to Automated Workflows 

Just 10 years ago, sales was a heavily manual business. However, this is not the modern seller’s reality. “Many processes that used to be entirely manual can now be automated for sales reps, enabling them to sell better and faster,” HubSpot explains. And when you empower your sales team with the right resources, materials, and tools, they'll be able to sell more effectively and efficiently.   

Here are five different ways HubSpot leverages sales enablement to extend NetSuite’s reach:   

  1. Weeds out the bad leads. Implementing a lead scoring system will help your sales team easily filter and identify the likelihood of a lead to convert, so they can allocate their time toward converting those leads instead of chasing down tire-kickers. HubSpot offers tools like Lead Scoring (including AI versions) that allow you to rank incoming leads based on criteria you decide - so you don't need to spend time filtering through or trying to sell to - unqualified leads. 
  2. Automates the time-intensive prospecting process. HubSpot also makes it easy for prospects and sales reps to book meetings and is critical for sales enablement. For example, the platform’s calendar tool can be used to create real-time calendar links for your sales team to share with prospects. It also creates automated emails for prospects that are likely to convert. “These automated emails invite prospects to schedule a meeting with a salesperson using their calendar link,” Meyer says. “The end result is an automated, seamless process to encourage prospects to book a meeting.”  
  3. Streamlines the sales engine. Once integrated, NetSuite and HubSpot “talk” to each other and sync information in a unified system. By synchronizing customer data, order history, and product information across these two powerful platforms, companies can build unified command centers for their sales teams. When sales teams have fast access to a real-time, 360-degree view of every prospect that they’re working with, they can close deals faster. And when marketing teams know which campaigns are producing the best result, they can develop even more of them.  
  4. Keeps all data clean, current and useable. The NetSuite-HubSpot integration ensures that data is clean, accurate and up-to-date at all times. This not only leads to fewer errors, but it also supports better decision-making and helps organizations stay ahead of their competitors. Having clean, reliable data to work with also takes the pressure off internal teams that would otherwise have to spend time checking for errors and transferring data between systems.   
  5. Measures marketing campaign effectiveness and pivots accordingly. The days of having to guess how well a marketing campaign worked are long gone. By integrating NetSuite and HubSpot, two companies can easily capture website interactions and lead generation efforts. For example, when a lead turns into a qualified opportunity in HubSpot, it flows right into NetSuite and gives marketing teams a window into how their campaigns translate into sales. Equipped with this information, sales and marketing can take quick action to capitalize on current opportunities to plan ahead for future campaigns.  

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Sales Team with a Free Integration Assessment 

Are you ready to take your sales team to the next level and unlock new growth opportunities? We're offering a special promotion: a free Integration Assessment for those ready to consider adding HubSpot to their tech stack with NetSuite. 

Contact us today to learn how GSI and Flawless Inbound can help you maximize the power of NetSuite and HubSpot for your business. Don't miss this chance to transform your sales and marketing efforts with seamless integration and advanced automation.