INBOUND 2024: 9 HubSpot Marketing Hub Updates That Will Transform Your Strategy

The life of a marketer is busy! 

Your mind is always buzzing with ideas, which makes it tough to tackle that never-ending to-do list.  We’ve been there, too — trying to juggle marketing and business tasks can be downright overwhelming. 

One moment you’re firing off emails, and the next, you’re posting on social media or collecting info from prospects. Don’t forget about all those internal tasks, it’s all a whirlwind! 

Though HubSpot CRM has always been reliable for automating marketing tasks and functions using software, the INBOUND 24 developments take it up a notch by announcing improvements that are going to redesign how we approach marketing. All of the new functionalities are custom-built to hit the right audience at the right time with the right message to successfully generate new business. 

Here are the top 9 Marketing Hub updates HubSpot unveiled at INBOUND 2024 (that aren't Breeze Copilot - to learn more about this game-changing AI assistant, read here): 

1. Video Publishing & New Channels  

With short-form video content becoming one of the highest-converting channels in recent years, HubSpot is going the extra mile by delivering support for key platforms like YouTube and Instagram. Now, you can publish YouTube videos and monitor comments directly within HubSpot, expanding your reach beyond LinkedIn and Instagram Reels/Stories. You’re also able to track YouTube performance to refine your video strategy for better engagement. 

2. Lead Scoring Precision 

Marketers often struggle with lead scoring tools that lack customization and transparency. What’s remarkable about HubSpot’s new Marketing Hub features is that they use AI recommendations to identify leads most likely to convert based on past behavior, campaign interactions, and demographic data. Now your marketing can route leads to sales reps and collaborate on promising opportunities, no problem. Not to mention, you can glean insights into scoring and how a contact’s score evolves over time. 

  • Custom and Unified Events: Refine score criteria with Unified Events. 
  • Time Decay: Prioritize new leads over stale ones. 
  • Advanced Weighting: Apply different weights to score criteria as needed. 

3. Dynamic Forms 

Creating high-converting forms that align with brand identity and reduce visitor friction can be a minefield. 

HubSpot’s new Dynamic Forms include: 

  • Multi-Step Forms: Augment user experience with multi-step forms. 
  • Advanced Styling and Layout Customization: Tailor forms to fit your brand’s look. 
  • Conditional Logic and Redirects: Direct users based on their responses. 
  • CRM Validation and Spam Submissions: Ensure form quality and reduce spam. 
  • Form Shortening: Amplify user engagement with streamlined forms that use AI to fill in required gaps so your customers have to fill in less. 

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All images via HubSpot

4. Google Enhanced Conversions 

We’re all aware of the Data privacy concerns and browser changes that plague the reliability of third-party cookies. 

The latest innovations ake it possible for users to: 

  • Send first-party data to ad networks as cookies phase out, ensuring continued tracking. 
  • Optimize bidding strategies with compliant first-party data. 
  • Decrease cost per result with improved ad targeting. 

5. Centralized Workspace for Marketing 

Managing multiple tasks can create confusion and hinder productivity. 

HubSpot will now be providing a single workspace that offers a comprehensive view of your team’s work, accessible on both desktop and mobile. It surfaces tasks that need attention in one central place, helping you avoid missed opportunities all while streamlining workflows. Say goodbye to the endless tab switching and screen switching! 

6. AI-Driven Messaging Insights 

Do you often experience analysis paralysis when evaluating campaign performance? 

You can now lay to rest those moments of fatigue and confusion and leverage AI for reporting and recommendations across campaigns. For your email campaigns, on top of the content optimization suggestions, HubSpot will also recommend best practices for email deliverability. You shouldn’t be spending endless hours on data analysis when you could be using that time for actionable strategies and driving impact. Now, you can rely on your AI Copilot to ensure your time is most effectively used.

7. Personalized Subscriptions 

Your subscribers are the core of your marketing efforts but managing that database can be incredibly tricky.  

At least, it used to be! With HubSpot’s new Marketing Hub updates, you can now create personalized preference pages for different segments to offer more relevant options. Not only does this make it easier than ever for subscribers to discover content that’s tailored to their needs and relevant to their roles, but it also reduces “unsubscribe all” actions by enriching the overall subscription experience. 

8. Scalable SMS Capabilities 

So many marketing teams lose deals every day because they face challenges with sending SMS from dedicated short codes and managing replies. 


HubSpot Marketing aims to mitigate these issues by providing an accessible channel with quick response times and a shared inbox through which you can engage customers where they are — in their preferred communication style. You’ll also be able to launch shortcode numbers to increase reliability, sender throughput, and deliverability at scale. 




9. Analytics Suite 

Though the Marketing Hub, in its current state, offers multiple channels to draw in leads and customers, many users are struggling with fragmented data and difficulty understanding reports and campaign performance. 

As per the new update, you can: 

  • Get actionable insights faster with collections of out-of-the-box reports geared toward marketers 
  • Generate reports based on other user’s frequently asked questions 
  • Reduce data overwhelm with easy-to-edit and fast-time-to-value reports 

Bonus: New Content Tools

In addition to all of the exciting Marketing tools listed above - there have also been a significant number of new releases surrounding content in HubSpot. So much so that we dedicated a whole blog post just to that. Read more about the additional content products we think you need to know about here.

Increase Marketing ROI With Flawless Inbound

HubSpot’s Marketing Hub had already been an excellent tool to drive traffic to your website, nurture your contacts with personalized web and email content, and manage relationships at scale using segmentation and automation tools.   

However, the latest updates clearly demonstrate that this Hub is also the key to integrating AI automation into your daily workflows. Your most creative and strategic minds shouldn’t be burdened with assembling data from various platforms to see the complete picture. From understanding the predicted outcomes of campaigns and marketing assets to forecasting results and choosing the most effective ad and media placements to reach your target audience and maximize ROI, the new Marketing Hub is equipped for it all. 

Join us on October 2 for our INBOUND Debrief, where we’ll showcase the latest Marketing Hub upgrades as part of the HubSpot User Group for Sales Enablement. The webinar is free, and you'll get hands-on guidance for all things Content and Marketing.

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