Flawless Inbound Case Studies

INBOUND 2024: What’s New in Content Hub (7 New Ways To Optimize Your Content Production)

Written by Shaoni Das | Sep 16, 2024 8:14:39 PM

Whether they’re consumers or businesses, everyone wants to feel confident before making a purchase, and that often means gathering information from multiple sources.  

But if you can provide your prospects with the most valuable content right from the start, they'll stick with you instead of searching elsewhere — bringing you that much closer to converting them. Otherwise, you risk losing them to the last source they consult. 

HubSpot’s Content Hub is now providing you the tools to develop information that appeals to each stage in the buying process rather than relying on obvious “sales talk.” This way, your prospects don’t have to feel like they are being sold to when they are not ready to buy. 

These are 7 key updates coming to Content Hub, designed to make educating your audience and increasing brand visibility easier across different mediums. 

Breeze Content Agent

Of course, AI has been the biggest talking point of INBOUND, and the new agents are definitely game-changers in the the world of content. If you haven't already seen our post about the new Breeze Copilot and what it means for marketers using HubSpot, make sure to go check that out here!

All images via HubSpot

But to summarize, this brand new AI assistant works in-platform to help marketers and content creators to: 

  • Generate ideas and outlines for all types of HubSpot content
  • Generate content for blogs, landing pages, emails, etc. 
  • Optimize and update content for tone, length, style, or anything else
  • Optimize generated content for Brand Voice (see above) based on inputted 
  • Generate images to go along with content
  • Generate video(!) with the new HeyGen creator

Content Remix 

Creating content takes a long time, especially with the numerous channels and formats available today. Plus, small-to-medium-sized businesses don’t have the resources that large enterprises have to produce multimedia content. 

HubSpot's Content Remix feature enables you to create and repurpose content across multiple formats and channels without getting bogged down by the manual effort. Whether it's landing pages, ads, social posts, audio, images, videos, case studies, or podcasts, you can quickly convert content from one format to another—transforming a video into written content or vice versa. 

The versatility makes a real difference—you want your message to reach your audience in the most impactful way, regardless of the platform, and Content Remix has been designed to deliver just that. 

Case Studies 

Creating case studies is a demanding task that takes a lot of time and effort, requiring not only coordination with various stakeholders but also sifting through large volumes of data. 

HubSpot’s new Content improvements take the hassle out of this process by facilitating the creation of these high-impact yet challenging content pieces. Connecting your case studies with CRM data helps you work more efficiently and make a bigger impact with your customer success stories.  

Plus, with just a few clicks, you can publish these case studies as engaging web pages on your site, making the whole process convenient and easier. 


Researching and creating podcasts takes a long time and can be immensely heavy on resources. HubSpot addresses this by: 

  • Effortlessly repurposing written content into engaging podcasts 
  • Reducing the time and effort required to produce audio content with AI-tools—including auto-generating podcast pages and transcripts 
  • Quickly adding podcasts to your website with a new podcast player 
  • Tracking the impact of catering to audiences with audio content preferences via podcast analytics 

Brand Voice 

Marketers often struggle to maintain a consistent brand tone across various marketing channels, and many shy away from using generative AI because it tends to produce content that sounds robotic.  

HubSpot’s new features let you create many different brand voices — all tailored to different channels, such as social media, email, and blogs. You can even set specific brand rules to ensure consistent language, phrases, and grammar, while also benefiting from multi-language support that goes beyond just English. 

HubSpot is also expanding brand voice support to tools like Copilot and Specialists so that your brand's voice remains consistent and authentic across all platforms. 

Content Embed 

Wondering how you can effortlessly plug CRM data into your website to create personalized customer experiences?

As per the new update in Content Hub Pro, you can readily create content blocks for any 3rd party website inside HubSpot and then add them to your website directly or from WordPress.  

Memberships & Gated Content 

Before, users were unable to fully customize membership experiences to match their business needs. 

Now, HubSpot is offering a comprehensive member management app, "Memberships," which can be used for all membership-related content, including blogs, knowledge bases, customer portals, and pages. Crawl your private blogs and transform your demand-generation content into a powerful lead-generation tool. Additionally, the solution lets you control the end-to-end branding of all membership assets, such as emails and pages, providing a consistent and professional look across every touchpoint. 

Explore Content Hub With Flawless Inbound 

Given that Content Hub is a relatively new addition to the HubSpot Marketing suite, many customers seem skeptical about diving into the content automation tools available. However, the latest HubSpot developments are designed to alleviate the challenges of researching, condensing, and translating information across all your channels. 

At Flawless Inbound, we’re here to help you execute a thoughtful content marketing strategy, enabling you to do more than just market and sell to your audience. We have the resources in place to help you develop content that stands the test of time — creating connections and understanding on multiple levels to engage your audience. We also specialize in building trust in your brand, as well as developing and nurturing the relationships needed to sustain your business over time - through content specifically. 

To see Content Hub in action, join us for our INBOUND Debrief on October 2, hosted by the HubSpot User Group in Sales Enablement. It’s completely free, and you’ll receive hands-on support for all Content and Marketing functions.