Flawless Inbound Case Studies

Unlock Opportunities for Revenue Growth with HubSpot-NetSuite Integration

Written by Erika Josephison | Jul 8, 2024 12:15:00 PM

How NetSuite and HubSpot help companies streamline their sales engines, win more deals and unlock hidden revenue opportunities. 

In today’s data-driven world, smooth communication between sales tools can give your company a leg up on the competition. It can also unlock new sales opportunities that can only happen when sales, marketing and customer service functions are working from the same playbook and focused on common goals.  

Unfortunately, the odds that these important departments are operating in their own silos—and dependent on myriad different tech tools that don’t “talk” to one another—is more common than you might think.  

When customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and marketing automation tools operate in isolation, for example, there is no easy way to share information and data across these systems. In best-case scenarios, the data is transferred across systems on spreadsheets—a manual-intensive, error-prone approach that not only wastes time but can also stop a successful sale right in its tracks.  

No Integration = Disjointed Workflows and Missed Opportunities 

Sales tools and customer service applications that lack integration and coordination also create problems like:  

  • High licensing and subscription fees. Every application comes with its fees. The more applications an organization implements, the higher its IT costs will be. 
  • Inaccurate, unreliable data. The data duplication, inconsistencies and inaccuracies are enough to send sales and marketing team members reverting to spreadsheets and emails as their single sources of truth. 
  • Hefty software maintenance and integration costs. Disparate tech stacks require additional resources and expertise to both integrate and maintain over time.  

No company can afford to have their sales and marketing teams sidelined by these challenges in today’s fast-paced business landscape, yet this is exactly what happens when organizations ignore the need for unified technology tools. When customer data is stored in isolated systems, getting a 360-degree view of their behaviors, preferences and interactions is impossible. This, in turn, leads to poor customer service and missed revenue opportunities. 

A manufacturing company that uses basic sales data and spreadsheets to track client orders, for example, probably has no insight into new cross-sell or upsell opportunities within its existing client base. It can't segment its clients by industry, order frequency, or purchase history, nor can it identify trends in specific product categories (e.g., a new line of industrial sensors to improve production efficiency). 

Packing a Powerful One-Two Punch 

As the leading cloud ERP and the best all-in-one sales enablement tool, NetSuite and HubSpot serve as the combined backbone for many business operations. These two applications pack a powerful punch that not only align sales, marketing and customer service teams, but also open the door to new revenue growth opportunities. The two platforms complement each other perfectly thanks to NetSuite’s robust business management capabilities and HubSpot’s knack for helping companies attract, engage and delight customers.   

By uniting these two forces, growing organizations can create a seamless flow of customer information, order history and product intelligence into a single, streamlined workflow that empowers sales teams to explore new opportunities and close deals faster.   

“ERP integration with CRM can create a unified platform for managing business processes and customer interactions. This integration ensures a cohesive flow of information across departments, streamlining operations and enhancing customer service,” ERP Today points out. “By aligning these systems, businesses cultivate a comprehensive approach to the customer experience, fostering customer loyalty and satisfaction through efficient processes and personalized interactions.” 

Focusing on the Next Sale 

With the integration in place, as deals are closed in HubSpot, for instance, the automatic creation of sales orders is triggered in NetSuite, which effectively creates a “unified command center” for those customer orders.  

The ERP also handles the inventory management, invoicing and accounts receivable processes, effectively closing the loop on every sale and freeing up associates to focus on the next sale. With NetSuite and HubSpot in place, companies can develop more targeted marketing campaigns, leverage new upsell opportunities and identify hidden sales opportunities.  

Better customer engagement and revenue growth also come into focus as the two platforms work together to help companies uncover the hidden revenue opportunities that are currently hiding in their siloed technology systems. By integrating CRM and ERP organizations can optimize their operations, eliminate data silos, enhance the customer experience, align their sales and marketing efforts and drive growth. 

Next Steps For Your Integration:

Feeling ready to integrate HubSpot and NetSuite or considering adding one of the platforms to your existing tech stack with an integration in the future? The next steps are understanding how your systems and processes will work together within both platforms and then selecting which type of integration will work for you (native, custom, or third-party integrator). You can learn all of that and more on our detailed Integration page here.