Flawless Inbound Case Studies

How Flawless Inbound Achieved Highest-Ever Organic Traffic and Contacts for a CMMS Company Looking to Grow

Written by Flawless Inbound | Sep 13, 2024 9:39:42 PM

How do you achieve strongest ever organic traffic and contact growth for months at a time? All it takes is a smarter marketing approach.

When we connected with Maintenance Care, they were a well-organized company that just needed to think outside the box a little and create an effective inbound experience for their prospects. They were using PPC with minimal results and their website SEO was no longer effective.  As a result, they were not meeting the goals and growth they wanted. They had HubSpot — but they weren’t getting the most out of it. And because of a poor experience with a previous partner, they were very concerned with organic traffic and keyword ranking.

They needed a new partner to help them deploy the right marketing strategy.

Maintenance Care is in the business of computerized maintenance management systems. Their CMMS solution takes over paper ordering systems, allows for follow ups, provides dashboard reports, and many other things. As a dedicated group always updating their features according to client needs, we knew they had something neat: worthy of a powerful marketing strategy.

We identified two important opportunities for optimization as digital growth and brand awareness — and got to work.

Let’s See The Results

Our engagement has been relatively short — and we’ve still got a lot we want to deliver. But even now, we can demonstrate the power of a few smart changes through immediate results. Here's what organic sessions look like:

And here's the growth in contacts over the same period:

What are the numbers, and how do they compare to the past?

  • 71 per cent increase in traffic over five months — highest organic visits ever for two months straight
  • 115 per cent increase in contacts over five months — and the highest organic contacts ever for two months straight
  • 20 per cent reduction in ad spend

That’s a pretty solid example of more for less. So, how did we do it?

A Multi-faceted Approach Built for Growth

At the start of the engagement, we ran a portal review to understand how Maintenance Care was currently using HubSpot and identified opportunities to correct course and optimize.

Growth-Driven Design and inbound-friendly are things we work to achieve every month for our clients’ websites. With this in mind, we reworked their site to be both persona and industry-focused. This meant first creating pillar pages per industry featuring relevant content addressing each industry’s unique challenges. Next, we created three home page CTAs for each of their identified personas, linking to pillar pages addressing each of their individual requirements and goals. Our objective was to cement the company as the leading experts in the CMMS space.

With the backbone of the strategy in place, we added several other tactics to maximize results.

Learning from Our Progress to Compound Success

At Flawless Inbound, we’re always learning. We live by this principle and instill it in our clients by demonstrating the value of trying things, finding out what works, and running with it — rather than pretending we have all the answers and refusing to deviate.

We ran A/B Testing on their big CTAs. We found that people were more likely to click something asking them to book a live demo over signing up for free. That means better conversions for the CTA — and it also means we learned a little something about what Maintenance Care’s potential customers respond to that we can use elsewhere. That might be a duplicate CTA at the end of a blog post, or the way we word something in an ad.

On the ad front, we reviewed their Google ad process. While the ads weren’t bringing direct results, we were able to understand how they were helping with brand awareness and how best to harness that along with our SEO strategy to reduce spend while increasing traffic. Our two-step strategy was:

1) Betting on Their Strengths:

Maintenance Care markets two messages really well. First, that it's a free CMMS. And second, that it's a Work Order Software. These messages have high search volumes among their target personas. 

Organically, they now rank in the top three for free CMMS both in Google US and Canada. However, our organic rankings were not as good for Work Order Software. We wanted to capture this demand. To do this, we paused on all ads and keywords which did not relate to Work Order Software. Then with this focused set, we constantly did peel and stick and split testing.
Below are the results May 2018 – July 2018:

2) Expanding Markets:

Due to the seasonal slow down of business during the summer months, we looked at targeting personas from two new markets: Schools and Universities, and Golf Courses. Google Ads played an integral role in lead generation for these two markets. Part of our strategy was to incorporate purchase intent keywords. 

30 Day Snap-shot of Ads targeted at Schools:

Knowing that they were very concerned about keywords because (due to their previous experience), we made regular, clear reporting a priority. We hooked into Databox and start every agenda with the most recent numbers. We also got them running with live reporting, so both we and the client can see the results in real time and adjust based on what we’re seeing.

Bad keyword? It’s caught and removed. Good keyword? We take note and consider how we can amplify further.

Chat Bot Creation

As part of our Growth-Driven Design strategy, we created and tested a chat bot. After an internal company-wide survey, she was named Mya. Initially, Mya was only located on the Senior Care Industry page. After some testing and tweaking, she is now live on all industry pages and will be eventually evolved into a “mega bot” able to answer questions from the home page dealing with FAQs, industry-specific questions, pricing and features. 

We’ve Got the Traffic: Now What do we Do With it?

The traffic’s one thing, but we’ve got to convert them — first to leads, and then to customers. As an extra boost to lead conversion, we jumped on the lead flow feature and worked to coax traffic along to the next step with relevant suggestions and offers based on what they were looking at.

Maintenance Care had a solid workflow strategy in place. We simply reviewed and optimized. We’re also currently working on creating, testing and implementing an upgrade workflow to continue to move customers along from free to paid. Again, we will be using A/B testing, analyzing results and optimizing.

Enjoying Growth

Through the efforts of the Flawless Inbound team, Maintenance Care is not only getting the most out of their HubSpot license — they’re running and optimizing an intelligent, modern, comprehensive approach focused on getting more traffic and converting more customers.

And don’t forget: all while spending less. It shows that when you seek results through meaningful, smart change it really pays off.

Helping Maintenance Care ramp up their success has been a welcome challenge. But we’re not done yet — we’re committed to keeping up with the latest marketing tactics and HubSpot features and learning how we can apply them to keep that growth fuelled and exceeding expectations.

Flawless Inbound is an Edmonton-based team of experts that has helped more than 60 organizations across Canada and the US successfully achieve and exceed their growth targets. Interested in bringing this kind of result-driven expertise to your company? Reach out and let's get started!