How HubSpot enables Massive Revenue Growth

Want to know how we nearly doubled revenue growth?

We’re all over HubSpot at Flawless Inbound. It’s our CRM of choice, handling our Sales CRM, Marketing Automation, and CMS needs — as well as being our Services Hub. And it’s what we use to drive revenue growth for our clients. Clients like Two Small Men With Big Hearts Moving Co.

When Flawless Inbound came in, Two Small Men was hunting for a solution to a pile of concerns:

  • Data tools were inaccurate, incomplete, and spread out over disjointed services, hampering the leadership team’s ability to make decisions
  • Their review rankings were suffering from an inability to motivate happy customers to chime in
  • Their conversion rate was low, and they had a hard time moving leads forward
  • Traffic and engagement on their website were below their goals, their SEO was broken, and they needed a new content strategy

The moving company faced a slew of roadblocks getting in the way of revenue growth

We knew we had a special opportunity to innovate some impressive success.

Here’s What Happened When We Applied a HubSpot-Based Solution

By the time Flawless Inbound developed and got Two Small Men’s new strategy up and running, we saw:

  • Revenue growth nearly doubling in two major regions
  • More than ten locations growing from a 2/5 rating to a 4/5 on Google Reviews
  • A 50 per cent increase in employee productivity not only happened: it was demonstrable
  • Conversion rate increased from 12 per cent to 25 per cent — one in four visitors now convert
  • Traffic increased from 7,000 visits in January, to a peak of 18,000 in August
  • Instead of a digital media spend of $15,000, despite all this digital growth, the strategy was so successful that the media spend is now $0

Our HubSpot-based solution enabled massive revenue growth

How did the client feel about that? They reported that demand had exceeded supply in Calgary. They were so happy with the Flawless Inbound solution that they gave an interview on it for HubSpot.

So, how did we do it?

Innovating Success through HubSpot Platform Enablement

Two Small Men was ready to embrace the changes their success required. They just needed someone to show them the inbound way.

The issues they faced were overlapping and complicated. So, we developed a holistic strategy that accounted for all of them and raised the business’ ability to grow revenue.

Of course, first and foremost, we brought in HubSpot. This was the foundation on which we built the customized effective strategy that produced all those amazing results.

We took the old system, SFDC and a Python website, and optimized as we moved it over into the world of the agile CRM. We customized HubSpot to add a ticketing and scheduling system, integrated it with Slack, and deployed productivity and employee-to-employee metrics. A Net Promotor Score survey from customers was also associated with the employee, and live cargo tracking further enhanced their ability to explore their own data.

Below, you'll see how easy it became to get a high level picture of how the various branches were doing.

The leadership team is able to get a sleek view of how its branches are doing

Then, we created an Intelligent Review System that encouraged satisfied customers to leave Google reviews, while directing unsatisfied customers to leave detailed feedback that Two Small Men could deal with and respond to internally. The result here was that impressive average review score increase, along with a better ability to respond to customer expectations — which actually led to a successful promotion.

What does that look like? Check out this behind-the-scenes look at the team's breakdown of their solution.

Our Intelligent Review System creates feedback opportunities that help the business improve

Finally, with a completely remade growth-focused website, more customers were attracted to it thanks to the helpful location-based content, promotion, and improved SEO. We encouraged engagement from this traffic with simplified forms optimized for lead generation, and a sales and marketing alignment ready to nurture and delight.

"They’ve revamped our SEO, launched multiple avenues of social media, integrated CRM software into our website to better track our inbound leads, and integrated HubSpot with Salesforce,"

Stu Starkey, President of Two Small Men With Big Hearts Moving Co.

All of this together produced a clarity in decision-making that generates even further gains. The leadership team better understands how to optimize the impact of the business’ strengths while addressing and improving on weaknesses, and how to leverage the ability of their employees to deliver excellent customer experiences that feed back into success.

You can't complain about the conversation rate doubling!

Ultimately, more leads convert and revenue is growing.

It All Comes Down to a Collaborative, Holistic Approach Bound Together by HubSpot

None of this would be possible if we weren’t experts in leveraging our not-so-secret weapon: HubSpot. This platform enables us to create flexible, relevant solutions to the problems our clients face every day, lifting them out of the fruitless chasing of ineffective change and prompting the revenue growth they’ve been pursuing for years.

"Our business is important to them. It's not just about the revenue and keeping me as a client. They really want to deliver a better service," 

Stu Starkey, President of Two Small Men With Big Hearts Moving Co.

It helps to have great clients who lend their trust to the process and let us work with them to really nail these solutions. With Two Small Men as excellent, forward-thinking partners, we're now stepping into the next phase of Technology Transformation by implementing a full help desk and ticketing/booking systems using HubSpot's new platform: the Services Hub.

Want to see us write an awesome case study about the incredible success we bring to your company? Contact us and get ready for exponential growth through bringing your Sales, Marketing and Services departments together under one technological roof: HubSpot.

Two Small Men won't stop here!