Implementing Great Customer Service

A business is only as good as its customer service. Read how Levven amped up its game with a HubSpot powered ticketing system, courtesy of Flawless.

At Flawless, we have a saying: “A business is only as good as its customer service.” In the case of Levven, this mantra became the solution to their biggest problem: their lack of a ticketing system. Let us walk you through the story of a successful HubSpot implementation in 4 parts.


Choose Your Team Players

In Fall 2019, we were approached by Levven Electronics Ltd., a leader in Smart Home Technology in North America. Their request: HubSpot Service enablement. While their sales numbers were pointing straight up, Levven’s customer service was finding itself in a bottleneck situation caused by inadequate customer support and lack of a professional, automated ticketing system.

In Flawless Inbound, Levven had found the right partner – one with the right tool kit and the expertise to implement efficient custom solutions. After extensive analysis of their existing service structures, we distinguished five pain points that needed to be addressed.

  • Monitoring system do identify customer pain points
  • Resources for self-help (FAQs)
  • Providing a Customer Service management tool
  • Evaluating urgency of cases
  • Documentation for customer feedback and CRM data

Customer Service: Mission Possible

Our analysis had revealed that Levven’s products were very well received on the market, but the lack of resources made troubleshooting at home very difficult for their clients. This was a serious issue: in combination with a lack of an electronic ticketing system, the Customer Service Department was confronted with the impossible task of keeping track of hundreds of requests coming in through different channels (phone, email, etc.).

As a result, technical issues and customer complaints couldn’t be addressed in time which created a frustrating experience for both Customer Service Reps and clients.

One Simple Solution – One Competent Partner

Thanks to HubSpot’s CRM and Flawless’ expertise in Service Enablement, Levven’s problems are now a thing of the past. Here’s what we did:

Levven had a clear idea of what their new ticketing process should look like. Based on their vision, Flawless’ HubSpot Master Builders took on the challenge of creating a complete ticketing system from scratch that was both easy to use and efficient.


Within 3 months, our team set up a fully functional solution that allowed Levven to:

  • Offer automated online ticketing system to customers
  • Significantly reduce time window to process tickets
  • Monitor and analyze nature of customer concerns, and focus on preempting future issues
  • Establish a Self-help Resources Section on their website

Because all these solutions are centralized within HubSpot, backend friction for the Levven Team also decreased significantly: they are now able to keep track of incoming and existing tickets and support clients in a timely manner.

They can now create tickets from a variety of sources: from workflow, from the tickets dashboard, from a contact record, or via a form in the conversations inbox. Simple, fast, efficient.

Know Your Strategy

Finally, to evaluate how well the changes were received by customers, we created an NPS (Net Promoter Score) survey for Levven. It showed that the large majority of clients would recommend them to others.

Thanks to a brand new, fully functioning ticketing system, Levven is now able to track complaints, react fast, and analyze data for future product innovation.

By letting the company know whether an article was useful or not, clients now have a say in what resources they need. On the backend, Levven receives an analysis chart on the Ticketing Dashboard that contains data on resource usage.

The visualisation of customer feedback shows intuitively where more support and self-help resources are needed – and which topics are faring well.

Bonus Level: Separate Sales Pipelines by Location

We like to throw in a little extra whenever possible. In this case, we built Sales Pipelines for Levven’s Sales Team that help them separate deals by US and Canada locations; additionally, we divided the US Pipeline into 6 different regions to serve customers better. This new tool makes it much easier for the Sales Team to respond to inquiries.

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In sum, HubSpot provided the perfect platform for all the solutions Levven needed to win the Customer Service game, and Flawless gladly accepted the opportunity to apply its expertise in their service. We were able to design a service hub, implement a ticketing system, and create distinct sales pipelines for them.

Half a year later, it's safe to say: Mission accomplished!